Friday, February 25, 2011

Food in #Islam

Food in Islam
By Zafarul-Islam Khan, The Milli Gazette

Published Online: Feb 25, 2011

To get the right physical and spiritual strength, one should consume only lawful (halal) and healthy or wholesome (tayyib) food (Qur’an, 5:88). The faithful are repeatedly enjoined in the Qur’an to consume only lawful and wholesome food. Halal means lawfully acquired, as against stolen, food. In case of meat, it means that it was acquired according to the permissible method of slaughtering an animal, i.e., by invoking Allah’s name while slaughtering the animal and using a sharp knife in order to ensure minimum pain to the animal (which is similar to Kosher rules).

also visit: GTA Toronto Muslim Bulletin

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